
  • "The Survivor Hub has changed my world, I felt alone before joining, I didn’t have anyone who could fathom what I had been through, and therefore no one to ask for advice. The Survivor Hub has created a community and a place where I feel safe.”

  • "Finding The Survivor Hub is exactly like finding your family, the place your heart and soul is safe. I refer to them as my people! Always welcoming, honest caring and supportive.

    Honestly it’s like being given a hug (I do MeetUps via Zoom!) I recommend survivors to this group often."

  • “TSH creates a safe space to connect with other survivors. The thing I’ve loved most about TSH is the feeling that I’m never in this alone and connecting with fellow survivors has helped me rebuild meaning and purpose after trauma.”

  • “When I joined my first Zoom meetup run by The Survivor Hub a few months ago,  I didn't know what to expect but from the moment I joined that first Meet-Up, I felt like I was at home.

    Although I've made peace with the sexual violence I experienced and have a great counsellor, I have felt a little on the outer in my day-to-day life because I don't have anyone I can really talk to about it without having to explain what I'm feeling and why. I haven't felt like I was part of a community where I could safely share this part of my life and who I've become as a result of it.

    I knew almost as soon as I joined that first Zoom that the Survivor Hub Meet-ups were part of a larger community that would more than fill the void I had. The warmth, acceptance and support I have been shown has been wonderful. I've learned so much from everyone who's attended. Even moreso, the vicarious resilience (Look it up! It's a truly awesome thing!) we get from each other is actually changing me for the better.”

  • “I feel so much stronger and braver because I know I have this safe place, this community, I can scurry back to every few weeks where I'm accepted just as I am, in my pyjamas, sitting on my couch in whatever mood or state I'm in at that time. Everyone just 'gets' where I'm at even when I don't say a word because they've been there, too. They feel the same things I feel.

    I genuinely don't feel as isolated and alone as I did before joining and it's such a great feeling. I've been on this road for a few decades now and I've never felt this kind of safety and acceptance before. Being part of a community that just 'gets' this part of me and my life is priceless. It's invaluable.

    The women that set this up and lead it have created something really, really special. I actually count down the days until the next meeting. I don't want to miss out on being in my safe place with my community.”

  • “I am very pleased that Victims Services told me about TSH. It took me about a year of following the Instagram account and being really impressed with the content to actually reach out and come to a MeetUp.

    I felt nervous attending for the first time, however everyone at the TSH was really warm and welcoming. I now wish I had come sooner. I love being able to talk with other people who get it and learning from other survivors lived experience. In the Facebook group, it's been so valuable to ask people about court/giving evidence and to connect with survivors who have actually gone and done it.

    It's totally different to be able to talk with someone who themselves has been through it and to be inspired by their courage and wisdom, than hearing platitudes from service providers who were never in that position themselves.”

  • “Growing up was an incredibly isolating experience for me. For almost two decades I thought I was the only one who knew the depths of the emotion that encompassed my life - so creating a community of survivors by survivors is something the world needs. Being apart of a community who just understands on a fundamental level, a community who I do not have to explain myself to and a community who accept me as I am, any way that I am is the most remarkable thing I have experienced.

    Healing can be such an incredibly isolating experience but I am so grateful that I no longer have to do it on my own.”

  • "I am so grateful for The Survivor Hub. It is easy to feel 'alone' after experiencing sexual assault; the complexity of the trauma makes it difficult to connect with others thereafter. TSH has provided a safe space for me to express my fear, shame, and other difficult emotions surrounding my assault. It is liberating to be able to connect with people that just 'get it.' Not only is TSH emotionally supportive, it has also provided me with an incredible wealth of support and resources to navigate the criminal justice system based on the amassed knowledge and lived experiences of other survivors.”

  • "I am a SA survivor from India. The Zoom Meetups were a life saver for me when I sank deep into depression. The team as well as fellow survivors were kind and understanding, willing to listen to my pain. I felt a sense of being heard and understood, a sense that my story mattered. The Survivor Hub became the light in my darkest moment. No amount of words will ever suffice to describe the good that it did for me.

    Thank You The Survivor Hub <3"

  • "The Survivor Hub MeetUps have provided me with a new network of support and friends who understand what I have been through and what I will go through. The directors and participants provide knowledge about your options for healing and justice as a survivor as well as advocacy roles. I always feel safe at the MeetUps and have found it has best assisted my healing.

    I wouldn’t be where I am today had it not been for The Survivor Hub and MeetUps!"

  • "I cannot be more grateful of the MeetUp community. The warm welcome and endless love and support has been incredibly helpful on my journey. I can confidently say that I felt more prepared for the court process after attending a MeetUp session. Thank you for creating a safe environment, where we can listen and be heard. I admire each member of the community and truly believe our collective strength is breaking down the stigma and helping us all to heal.”

  • "In a bid to be seen I was lucky enough to stumble across The Survivor Hub. The unconditional support and words of wisdom from the group have been a source of strength and light in what has been an incredibly difficult time. Being with those who share the title of Survivor has armed me with more strength than I could have ever imagined. Thank you to the beautiful women who run The Survivor Hub and to the community of Survivors".

  • "I believe the MeetUps are an incredible tool for healing and collaboration and I am very grateful for the bravery and courage that the women who created The Survivor Hub display because it allows victim-survivors to feel seen, heard and provides a much needed sense of community that we need.”

  • "TSH MeetUps have been a part of my healing I didn't know I needed. Listening to, and being heard by, people who understand how I feel has helped support me on my journey as I hopefully support them on theirs.”

  • “The MeetUps at Survivor Hub offer an abundance of support and a listening ear. The founders of Survivor Hub have done an amazing job at creating a safe space for everyone to share their experiences and help each other through challenging times. I could not be more grateful for this group of strong, kind and thoughtful individuals.”

  • "Thank you so much for starting MeetUps, it is so amazing to have a safe space to talk about my trauma and to be informed about the processes involved with pressing charges.

    You guys have helped me so much!"